Pioneer Pictures

A collection of photographs taken in Western Australia which attempt to preserve images of  those historic buildings and areas  that are an important part of a country community.
by Dan Sayer

Click  below to view photos within the shire

Galleries by Shire

Inside each shire are those historic buildings or locations which are an integral part of the  history of that shire,
Some are preserved, yet many are slowly disintegrating, or quietly rusting away, being overgrown and forgotten.

Bridgetown - Soon

Donnybrook - soon

WANTED - Have your old photos restored and included for display on this site
KOJONUP This is an attempt to preserve  images of those landmarks before they disappear. My goal is to be able to preserve the images of as many of these historic buildings, in as many shires as possible.

Your help, in purchasing these images, will keep the project alive.
WANTED - Background information on any building or site shown on these pages

More Coming - ask for your shire!

Who to Contact for More Information

Email Send E-mail to Dan
BOYUP BROOK, Western Australia, 6244

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Created by Dan Sayer
Last Modified 12th February 2024