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George & Sam's page

(Click the blue hyperlinks to hear George)

Pink and Grey Galahs, or Kakatua Roseiia Capillae are a very common bird in Western Australia. Great flocks of them can be seen every day, both in the country and city areas, squawking and clowning on power lines, or just foraging on the ground for seed.

George came to us from a breeder who warned us that as a bird just out of the nest, it would take him weeks just to get used to us. In fact, George was taking seeds from our hand that same day!

Ring the bell, George Ring the bell, George

Apparently, pink & greys can live for up to eighty years! They certainly are smart... George can tell by the sound when someone has come in the front door, when the phone rings and when the doorbell does ring, he is just as good an alarm as his backyard pal, .Sam

A tasty burglar Call the dog, George

George can be very naughty sometimes, but makes up for it by telling us his favourite nursery rhymn, his favourite movie and knows when to be quiet. Actually he has quite a way with the ladies

Kiss,kiss George does like a bit of attention ...actually a LOT of attention.

Did you fart? No, I didn't, George!

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Created by Dan Sayer
Last updated 29th April 1999